Wheat is the undisputed protagonist of the milling activity. The selection of wheat varieties best suited to different uses and a massive procurement, based on strict quality criteria, laid the bases for ensuring secure and consistent supplies. Every stock of wheat purchased is known, traced and traceable for its quality features (protein content and gluten quality) and sanitation characteristics (contaminants-free).

However, identifying and selecting the best raw material is not enough for us. Once delivered to Molini Valente, wheat must pass the strict examination of two cutting-edge optic sorters, which through sensors and high-resolution cameras analyse every single grain of wheat. Grains showing defects, even the tiniest, are detected and scrapped in order to assess the purity of the wheat selected for milling.

Quality and safety are the watchwords that underlie our commitment towards you. Every step of our work – from the selection of raw materials, processing, up to distribution – is equally critical to achieving the very high quality and uniqueness of our product.


A test laboratory for wheat, located at the reception area of the raw material and a flour test lab create the operating basis for our Quality Control, supported by our Quality Assurance team that constantly updates the management systems at the basis of the whole production structure, in accordance with the guidelines set by ISO series certifications and FSSC standards for food safety. The state-of-the-art available instrumentation allows us to carry out technological tests, on the dough to assess the type of intended use, to establish chemical and physical parameters and contaminants as provided for by the current regulations.


A well-equipped and modern bakery lab is our preferred point of connection with customers. This is where we test finished products and create new flours. By employing the most popular bakery techniques, we appreciate how the old and new wheat varieties may adapt to transformations; we create new products and test recipes to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers. We pay particular attention to matters relating to health, through the development of controlled whole wheat products, increasingly recommended for their high nutritional value and fibre content.


The laboratory is also a training venue: professional courses are planned for artisan bakers, thematic courses on specific manufacturing techniques or personalized advice to meet specific customer requests.


Products with mother yeast:
tradition and beyond

Thursday 07 November 2024

Pizza innovation
Already done
New date to be defined
Pizza technical day
Already done
New date to be defined
The real Ligurian “focaccia”:
Genovese and Recco type.
Already done
New date to be defined
Italian Panettone
and excellent leavened products from the world

Already done
New date to be defined


LIPETSKAIA da inviare
Elena Lipetskaia
Gianfranco Fagnola
Luigi Stamerra
tino per sito
Tino Insolitto

Teacher: Elena Lipetskaia
Day: 1
Time: 9.30-17.30

Teachers: Luigi Stamerra, Elena Lipetskaia
Day: 1
Time: 9.30-17.30

Teachers: Luigi Stamerra, Elena Lipetskaia
Day: 1

Teachers: Tino Insolitto, Elena Lipetskaia
Day: 1
Time: 9.30-17.30

Teachers: Gianfranco Fagnola, Elena Lipetskaia
Days: 2
Time: 8.30 – 19.00

Tino Insolitto

tino per sito

Tino Insolitto nasce a Genova nel 1968.

Ha solo 14 anni quando intraprende il mestiere del fornaio, scoprendolo quasi per caso ma appassionandosi da subito all’arte panificatoria.

Dopo aver lavorato in alcuni laboratori della sua città, nel 2008 rileva il forno “Da U Tappe” a Campomorone, piccola frazione alle porte di Genova.

Affiancato dal precedente titolare, continua la sua formazione “sul campo” e nel tempo, ai metodi più tradizionali affianca la sperimentazione di nuove tecniche.

Oggi insieme alla moglie e al figlio gestisce il panificio nel quale sono occupati 11 dipendenti. 

Tino ama profondamente il suo lavoro. Quando ne parla non ha dubbi: lo ha sempre fatto con passione, nonostante i grandi sacrifici che richiede. Il sostegno della sua famiglia è stato ed è fondamentale.

Nel suo panificio a farla da padrona è la focaccia genovese, sia nella versione tradizionale sia con farciture diverse. Per lui una focaccia eccellente ha due ingredienti fondamentali: tanta dedizione e materie prime di qualità. E tanta calma, che vuol dire prepararla senza fretta, rispettando i tempi che richiede la sua lavorazione, dall’impasto all’infornamento «Presto e bene non fanno insieme».

Di sé dice “Con impegno e dedizione è possibile trasformare una semplice professione in una vera e propria vocazione”.